In 2014, tens of thousands of people around the world took part in the Ice Bucket Challenge. 200 million US dollars were raised. We did a story about what the campaign has achieved from today's perspective? We met 19-year-old Anna Kämpfer, who is a medical sensation and gives hope to many other people with ALS
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Berlin Videographers
Sahel - A Land of Opportunities
We are currently working on a video about the work of the German Development Cooperation in the Sahel region.
Berlin Videographers
10 Years After the ICE Bucket Challenge: Where Does ALS Research Stand Today?
In 2014, tens of thousands of people around the world took part in the Ice Bucket Challenge. 200 million US dollars were raised. We did a...
Berlin Videographers
Entering the Age of Fake Reality?
Sora from OpenAI transforms simple text input into deceptively real videos. We produced a story for 3sat nano about what this technology...
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